Delivery information
Are you worried about delivery times?
By being 100% dedicated to our online orders, we can process your orders faster than normal. That said, your packages will get to the post even faster. We answer your questions by email ( and by phone (1-866-462-4495).
Are you concerned about prevention?
Us, too ! For this reason, we adhere to the suggested safety standards for COVID-19. As for our employees, they regularly wash and disinfect their hands, while keeping a distance of 2 meters between them. As for our workplaces, we limit the number of employees by sector and we disinfect regularly.
Have you seen negative comments on social networks regarding Canada Post deadlines and their practices?
Do not worry ! They come every day to collect parcels in our stores. In addition, the majority of our customers remain satisfied with the delivery service. For more information on the latest postal measures, such as their "ring, drop, leave" policy, please see this release!