English version of the game available HERE
Welcome to the Dungeon — first released as Dungeon of Mandom — is a push-your-luck dungeon delve in which 2-4 players take turns essentially daring each other to go into a dungeon with less equipment than they start off with while filling the dungeon with monsters. Players can win the game by winning 2 rounds or get eliminated from the game by losing 2rounds. Each player has a 2-sided players card that has a white side and a red side. The first win taps the player card and the 1st loss flips the card over to the red side. A 2nd loss will have the player turn the card back into the box.
The game is played in rounds. The player sets up the base character and all the equipment equipped. This represents every player as a fully equipped dungeon delver.
Each round, the start player (the person who challenged the dungeon last or the last player to be in a dungeon) can choose to draw a card from the monster deck or pass their turn.
If they choose to draw, they can do one of two things: (1) keep it and de-equip an equipment or (2) place it face down in the dungeon. Placing it face downin the dungeon creates the dungeon deck and fills the dungeon with monsters that the challenger will have to face later. If they choose to pass their turn, they cannot participate in the rest of the round. Once only one person is left after all the other players have passed their turn, that player then becomes the challenger and must go into the dungeon with only the equipment he has equipped.
The player then flips cards off the dungeon deck and fights the monsters within. Some equipment allow you to null the enemy damage or be able to withstand it by increasing your HP. If the player survives the dungeon with at least 1 HP, they win that round. If not, they lose. The players thenreshuffles all the cards to make a new monster deck and re-equips allthe equipment to start a new round.
The game ends when someone has won twice or one player is the last man standing.
Welcome to the Dungeon includes four different sets of character cards whereas Dungeon of Mandom has only a single character.
WELCOME TO THE DUNGEON - WELCOME TO THE DUNGEON (FRENCH) is categorised BOARDGAMES / GENERAL PUBLIC GAMES / PARTY GAMES and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.
Welcome to the Dungeon — first released as Dungeon of Mandom — is a push-your-luck dungeon delve in which 2-4 players take turns essentially daring each other to go into a dungeon with less equipment than they start off with while filling the dungeon with monsters. Players can win the game by winning 2 rounds or get eliminated from the game by losing 2rounds. Each player has a 2-sided players card that has a white side and a red side. The first win taps the player card and the 1st loss flips the card over to the red side. A 2nd loss will have the player turn the card back into the box.
The game is played in rounds. The player sets up the base character and all the equipment equipped. This represents every player as a fully equipped dungeon delver.
Each round, the start player (the person who challenged the dungeon last or the last player to be in a dungeon) can choose to draw a card from the monster deck or pass their turn.
If they choose to draw, they can do one of two things: (1) keep it and de-equip an equipment or (2) place it face down in the dungeon. Placing it face downin the dungeon creates the dungeon deck and fills the dungeon with monsters that the challenger will have to face later. If they choose to pass their turn, they cannot participate in the rest of the round. Once only one person is left after all the other players have passed their turn, that player then becomes the challenger and must go into the dungeon with only the equipment he has equipped.
The player then flips cards off the dungeon deck and fights the monsters within. Some equipment allow you to null the enemy damage or be able to withstand it by increasing your HP. If the player survives the dungeon with at least 1 HP, they win that round. If not, they lose. The players thenreshuffles all the cards to make a new monster deck and re-equips allthe equipment to start a new round.
The game ends when someone has won twice or one player is the last man standing.
Welcome to the Dungeon includes four different sets of character cards whereas Dungeon of Mandom has only a single character.
WELCOME TO THE DUNGEON - WELCOME TO THE DUNGEON (FRENCH) is categorised BOARDGAMES / GENERAL PUBLIC GAMES / PARTY GAMES and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.
Editor :
Autors : Hisanori Hiraoka,Hisanori Hiraoka,Masato Uesugi,Masato Uesugi
Artists : Dimitri Chappuis,Dimitri Chappuis,Bastien Grivet,Bastien Grivet,Paul Mafayon,Paul Mafayon,Igor Polouchine,Igor Polouchine,Masato Uesugi,Masato Uesugi
Complexity : 1.23
Language : FR
Game for : GF10
Average Time : 30-30 MIN
Difficulty level : EASY GAME
Players quantity : 2-4
Autors : Hisanori Hiraoka,Hisanori Hiraoka,Masato Uesugi,Masato Uesugi
Artists : Dimitri Chappuis,Dimitri Chappuis,Bastien Grivet,Bastien Grivet,Paul Mafayon,Paul Mafayon,Igor Polouchine,Igor Polouchine,Masato Uesugi,Masato Uesugi
Complexity : 1.23
Language : FR
Game for : GF10
Average Time : 30-30 MIN
Difficulty level : EASY GAME
Players quantity : 2-4
SKU: 3760175512339
Customer reviews
Store Reviews from our Customers
MATHIEU O. | Report this review |
17/09/2019 | |
Un bon petit pousse ta chance | |
C'est un jeu vraiment dur à expliquer, mais qui est si simple au fond. Après quelques tours tout le monde comprend bien et c'est un jeu où vous traiterez vos amis de poules mouillées de ne pas aller dans le donjon! Plaisir assuré! |
Carl D. | Report this review |
06/10/2019 | |
Welcome to the dungeon | |
Petit jeu rapide qui peu être divertissent lors de soirée en amis. Les règles sont simple à comprendres. |
Jean-Luc R. | Report this review |
21/11/2019 | |
Correcte mais | |
Il vaut vraiment mieux acheter la 2e version |
Christian A. | Report this review |
14/12/2019 | |
Un jeu rapide de bluff avec une bonne thématique | |
Simple et rapide, un petit jeu plein d'astuce pour toute la famille. |
Danny D. | Report this review |
25/12/2019 | |
Es-tu Game? | |
Petit jeu génial rapide a jouer. Les règles sont plutôt facile a comprendre. Idéal comme filler ou comme jeu de fin de soirée. Un bon petit Push your Luck qui va faire rire entre amis. Aurez-vous le courage d'aller jusqu'au bout? |
Maxime B. | Report this review |
04/01/2020 | |
Super! | |
Deja plusieurs partie de jouer avec toute la famille. Jamais les meme personne qui gagne. Un mélange de chance et de stratégie avec un jeu vraiment bien éditer selon moi. A acheter sans hésiter! |
Éveline A. | Report this review |
23/02/2020 | |
À vos armures! | |
Jeu intéressant, plusieurs stratégie possible. À 2 au debut c'est "trop facile" puis on se developpe des stratégies pour compliquer le tout. On fait le tour rapidement en une soiree mais on a le goût de rejouer. À mon avis, beau complément à une soiree de jeux de société ou lorsqu'on a seulement un peu de temps pour jouer. On y trouve du plaisir! |
NICOLAS B. | Report this review |
16/03/2020 | |
Jeu simple, mais très divertissant. | |
Dans ce jeu où vous devez gérer le contenu d’un dungeon dans la perspective que vous allez peut-être devoir le traverser est super amusant. La simplicité des règles rend le jeu super accessible pour tous âges comme sa durée de jeu qui est raisonnable. |
Edith T. | Report this review |
27/07/2020 | |
Un bon jeu d'entrée de soirée | |
Ce jeu est excellent pour un début ou encore une fin de soirée de jeux de société. Il est simple à expliquer, même pour les joueurs occasionnels. Les stratégies sont certes limités, mais il est toute de même intéressant de les explorer. Nous avons joué avec notre fille de 12 ans sans problème et elle a beaucoup apprécié. Ne vous attendez pas à un jeu profond, mais à un bon divertissement. Pour le prix, nous allons sans doute le sortir à plus d'une occasion. |
SIMON M. | Report this review |
06/08/2020 | |
Rapide, facile! | |
Fun assuré, rapide, 4 min et tout le monde. Comprend |
Marilou D. | Report this review |
06/09/2020 | |
Guillaume C. | Report this review |
25/10/2020 | |
Push your luck | |
Un petit jeu qui se sort bien quand on veut pas en commencer un gros vers la fin de la soiree. Ca demande de prendre des risques en essayant de comprendre les cartes qui restent dans le deck en ayant des informations partielles. Assez simple pour etre jouer avec des personnes de background different. |
Bianca L. | Report this review |
18/02/2023 | |
Welcome to the dungeon | |
Offert en cadeaux a mon fils de 9 ans. Jeu rapide et amusant pour petit et grand. Tres belle qualité de jeu. Different de les autres jeu nous avons jouer avant. Merci |
Jean-Matthieu L. | Report this review |
10/12/2024 | |
Une Descente en Enfer Amusante | |
Un jeu de bluff et de prise de risque où chaque décision peut vous mener à la victoire ou à la défaite. Welcome to the Dungeon est un concentré d’intensité et de stratégie, parfait pour des parties courtes mais mémorables. |