
CITY HALL  # 04  -  (FRENCH V.)

10.15 US$

It is all simple: for any purchases of products that are eligible to the Privilege Card, 10% of the value of these products before taxes will be deposited in your account and after 10 purchases, you can use the accumulated money as a gift! Hence, you can use this gift from the 11th purchase, but if you want to, you can continue to deposit savings in your account and use the gift whenever you want! You can use the gift to buy the products of your choice and the gift must be used all at once (if you have a $50 gift, you must do a purchase of $50 or more).

How can you get the Privilege Card?

En magasin, In store, just ask an employee, and on the web, leave us a message in the comment box in your next order, or just contact us.

Here are products you can put on the card:

  • European comics BOOKS;
  • Japanese comics BOOKS (mangas);
  • Novels (English & French);
  • Boardgames;
  • Roleplaying games BOOKS;
  • MINIATURES sold at unity (Star Wars, Dungeons & Dragons and Axis & Allies);
  • Games Workshop products;
  • Sports or collectible/trading game cards, on a purchase of $10 or more of single cards;
  • Stamps with the exception of those from the current year. Stamps accessories are not eligible;
  • Coins, with the exception of those emission price. Gold coins and bullion coins are not eligible.. Coin and paper money accessories are not eligible.

* Any other products not listed here are not eligible to the Privilege Card.
* This offer cannot be turned into cash.
* The Privilege Card cannot be added to any other promotion (products on rebate cannot are not eligible to the Privilege Card.

Also, the card is absolutely free and there's no time limit to use it. If you've already filled out your traditional privilege card (paper form), ask for our new millennium version (computer format).
No need to carry the burden of those cumbersome extra papers in your wallet anymore. You can even follow the state of your credit on every receipt.


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L'enquête qui a tenu la City en alerte au cours des derniers mois semble toucher à sa fin : Black Fowl croupit derrière les barreaux en attendant son procès et Amelia s'apprête à faire ses adieux à Arthur,et prendre congé de ses hôtes pour repartiren Amérique. Mais l'orage couve derrière ce calme apparent : alors que Jules se débat dansun conflit intérieur violent et lutte pour accepter la sinistre vérité révélée par son ennemi, la Reine annonce subitement l'exécution sommaire de Pierre Verne et du Corbeau, tous deux enfermés dans les geôles de la Tour de Londres.

Il ne reste que trente jours autrio pour accomplir ce que Black Fowl n'a jamais réussi à mener à bien en vingt ans : trouver la feuille de papier qui a fait de lui unpapercut si redoutable...

CITY HALL - (FRENCH V.) 04 is categorised MANGA / COMICS IN FRENCH / SHONEN and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.

Editor : ANKAMA


ISBN : 9782359104561

Book type : SHONEN

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