Ootori Girls Academy is a private school filled with the best and brightest Japan has to offer. To make sure the entire student body keep up their studies and live a virtuous life, the public morals committee led by Ootori Kyouka, daughter of the school's director, scours the campus to make sure behavior is on the up and up. If Kyouka finds someone breaking the rules, then the student will not only receive a rough punishment, but they will also learn the true pleasures of sex. Now a new teacher has been brought on to support the morals committee, and while he's not a fan of how displines are handed out, maybe he can show the academy a thing or two about school bonding
MELTY LOVER - (ENGLISH V.) is categorised MANGA / HENTAI (18+) / ENGLISH and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.
MELTY LOVER - (ENGLISH V.) is categorised MANGA / HENTAI (18+) / ENGLISH and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.
Editor :
Autors : SAVAN
Book type : HENTAI (18 AND OLDER)
Autors : SAVAN
Book type : HENTAI (18 AND OLDER)
SKU: 978163442112651995
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