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Artisan dragons, the smaller and magically talented versions of their larger (and destructive) cousins, are sought by shopkeepers so that they may delight customers with their flamecraft. You are a Flamekeeper, skilled in the art of conversing with dragons, placing them in their ideal home and using enchantments to entice them to produce wondrous things. Your reputation will grow as you aid the dragons and shopkeepers, and the Flamekeeper with the most reputation will be known as the Master of Flamecraft.

In Flamecraft, 2-5 players take on the role of Flamekeepers, gathering items, placing dragons and casting enchantments to enhance the shops of the town. Dragons are specialized (bread, meat, iron, crystal, plant and potion) and the Flamekeepers know which shops are the best home for each. Visit a shop to gain items and a favor from one of the dragons there. Gathered items can be used to enchant a shop, gaining reputation and the favors of all the dragons in the shop. If you are fortunate enough to attract fancy dragons then you will have opportunities to secure even more reputation.

FLAMECRAFT - BASE GAME(ENGLISH) LUCKY DUCK GAMES is categorised BOARDGAMES / GENERAL PUBLIC GAMES / CARDS GAMES and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.

Editor : MB Giochi

Autors : Manny Vega

Artists : Sandara Tang

Complexity : 2.19

Language : EN

Game for : GF10

Average Time : 60 min

Difficulty level : MEDIUM GAME

Players quantity : 1-5

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Joyce W.Report this review
Fun Simple Game
Flamecraft is a wholesome enjoyable worker placement game. The rules are very simple and learning the game was not an issue at all!

I bought this game mainly because the artwork on the box caught my eye. Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed. It's a great game to dabble into worker placement games for beginners. My family prefers simpler games and this one felt just right when we all played it for the first time.

Mordechai Z.Report this review
Fun Game with Depth
Game came quick and is so much fun to play.

Every card has unique art, but there are only a handful of actions to learn and they are all laid out clearly on the player aid. Played this is my friends group (bunch of 20-30 somethings) and we all loved it. It's a great game to get people into the hobby, but with enough depth and variety that you will keep coming back.

Matthew M.Report this review
Alot of Fun, highly recommended
I bought this game for my wife and she absolutely loves it. Quite easy to pick up and play but the thing she loves the most is just how cute the artwork is.

Nedeljko D.Report this review
This game is a little gem. It has a simple worker placement mechanic and is super cute making it suitable for young ones as well as experiences gamers. The family loves it!

Francis L.Report this review
Easy to understand AND crazy cute!
Flamecraft lives up to the hype. It is easy to learn, the player aids are great, the components are decent and the art is very cute!

This game is also a great bang for buck!

Alex B.Report this review
Amazing art, great game
It was really the art that initially drew me into this game - but I ended up getting all the extra accessories because there's just such great table presence when you get everything else.

Sean C.Report this review
Great game and super cute
This is a fun euro style game that I have been able to get non-gamers to play because it looks so good. My kids, who like board games, like the worker placement aspects of the game. Both of these reasons make this an easy game to get to the table.

Melissa W.Report this review
Adorable dragons and game!
I purchased Flamecraft to play as a solo game, however it is still great to play with others. My thoughts on playing in solo mode so far: I've played about 10 solo rounds over the last 7 days and I'm enjoying the heck out of it. It's surprisingly challenging to score high enough (above 75 points) to unlock the solo achievements, I've only reached the first tier twice so far. I like the easy to learn mechanics, it's great for someone new to boardgames like me and kiddos, it really lives up to its cozy game status. The artwork is super adorable too, so many puns! Who doesn't want to place Skewart the meat dragon in the Funky Brewsters shop, lol! Plus there's enough variety in the cards to make each round feel different. Can't wait to play in non solo mode!

Jay S.Report this review
Amazing game, adorable art
This game is now one of my favourites! Not only is it incredibly aesthetically pleasing with adorable art, but it's easy to learn, fun to play, and has enough variation in play to keep things interesting. It's everything that I hoped that the Stardew Valley board game would be.

Justin B.Report this review
Adorable Resource Management Game
Honestly we bought this game because my fiancee thought it looked adorable, but before we did we also tested it at a boardgame cafe first. Don't let the adorableness distract you though, there is surprising depth to this game. That said it's also very approachable to new players and is a solid gateway boardgame.

Guillaume J.Report this review
Beautiful and approachable
At first, the aesthetics of Flamecraft caught my eyes. My collection was lacking “cute” games to please people who are not all that much into space, knights and vikings!
The production quality is amazing for the price; was really pleasantly surprised when I saw the neoprene mat instead of a cardboard board.
It’s not going to be my most played game, but I’m glad I have this for the game nights that call for it. It’s good!

RAPHAEL T.Report this review
Jeu familial très mignon
Flamecraft est un jeu familial très mignon où les décisions à prendre sont beaucoup plus intéressantes qu'on peut le croire au premier abord. Nos quelques dragons en main peuvent aller à plusieurs endroits et changer le cours de la partie. Principal bémol, la partie se termine trop rapidement à mon goût, avant qu'on prenne notre rythme.

Olivier L.Report this review
Vraiment un bon jeu
Un dragon cuisinier ou un dragon herboriste? Il y a de tout dans cet univers dans lequel les humains et dragons coopèrent pour faire prospérer le village. Chaque partie est un plaisir!

Érika B.Report this review
Mignon et amusant
Si vous êtes fan du design du jeu, on ne peut que recommander l'achat. Le jeu en lui-même est bien expliqué et on comprend rapidement comment jouer, les cartes sont toutes plus mignonnes les unes que les autres et le gameplay est prenant.

LAURIE L.Report this review
Super jeu
J'adore Flamecraft! C'est un super jeu. Ce n'est pas niveau expert, mais pas débutant non plus. C'est plutôt intermédiaire. Les dessins sont vraiment mignons et j'adore le tapis de jeu qui vient avec.

Martin C.Report this review
Universellement appréciés ces petits dragons
Un jeu pour plaire dans une certaine mesure aux joueurs plus aguerris mais tout en étant très présentable aux néophytes. Ce très beau jeu a beaucoup pour plaire au plus grand nombre de joueurs; Très beau produit!

Samuel R.Report this review
Excellent jeu
Excellent jeu pour toute la famille! Les règles sont très faciles à comprendre pour des gens peu habitués aux jeu de société, et le thème est très agréable. Le matériel est aussi d’excellente qualité!

Sophie S.Report this review
Pour tout amateurs de Dragons... et de pains!
Un jeu tellement beau qu'on a presque le goût de le laisser sur la table et de le regarder au lieu d'y jouer! Dynamique de jeu très agréable et relativement facile, mais qui possèdent quelques petits détails qui rendent ce jeu plus près du intermédiaire que du familial. Par contre, essayer c'est l'adopter! Ce jeu se joue en parties relativement rapides et le facteur compétitif est bien au rendez-vous. À jouer et rejouer autant en mode duo qu'à 4 joueurs. Une révélation de 2023!

Luc T.Report this review
Oh... c'est beau!
Lors des premiers tours de ce jeu, je me disais qu'on n'avait pas assez d'options mais à mesure qu'on progresse, il y a plus de boutiques qui sont révélées et le jeu devient un peu plus intéressant. Avant la fin, j'avais envie d'y rejouer tout de suite. En plus, le plateau de jeu est tout simplement magnifique! Je le recommande!

Jeffrey C.Report this review
Aussi bon qu'il en a l'air
Flamecraft est simple et efficace, très stratégique et aucune chance impliquée. J'ai bien apprécié tant à 2 joueurs qu'à 4. Je le conseille fortement si vous appréciez Wingspan, l'ambiance est semblable !

Jean-François C.Report this review
Coup ce coeur
Quel beau jeu. Bravo pour le livre des règles qui est exceptionnellement bien produit. C'est simple et 1 ou 2 parties feront en sorte que nous n'aurons plus besoin de nous y référer. Excellent rapport qualité prix. Même le solo est agréable. A noter que ça prend une grande table...

Antoine R.Report this review
Coup de coeur 2022
Flamecraft est définitivement mon coup de coeur de cette année 2022. Un bon mélange de worker placement et engine building. Le jeu est très beau, le matériel est de qualité et il est très abordable

Lydia M.Report this review



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