A certain unlikely hero...
In Academy City, where superhumanabilities are scientific reality, Touma Kamijou is trying to reconstruct a life for himself, but that's easier said than done with a girl by his side with the arcane knowledge of 103,000 grimoires rattling around in her brain...
Now seemingly inextricably caught up in a world where magic is a reality, Kamijou learns that a certainshrine maiden is being held captive in one of Academy City's cram schools. Can Touma ally himself with a sorcerer who has on more than one occasion tried to do him in? The only thing he knows for sure isthat he really does have rotten luck...
A CERTAIN MAGICAL INDEX - -LIGHT NOVEL- (ENGLISH V.) 02 is categorised MANGA / LIGHT NOVELS / ENGLISH and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.
In Academy City, where superhumanabilities are scientific reality, Touma Kamijou is trying to reconstruct a life for himself, but that's easier said than done with a girl by his side with the arcane knowledge of 103,000 grimoires rattling around in her brain...
Now seemingly inextricably caught up in a world where magic is a reality, Kamijou learns that a certainshrine maiden is being held captive in one of Academy City's cram schools. Can Touma ally himself with a sorcerer who has on more than one occasion tried to do him in? The only thing he knows for sure isthat he really does have rotten luck...
A CERTAIN MAGICAL INDEX - -LIGHT NOVEL- (ENGLISH V.) 02 is categorised MANGA / LIGHT NOVELS / ENGLISH and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.
Editor :
ISBN : 9780316259422
Collection : YEN ON
Language : EN
Book type : SHONEN
ISBN : 9780316259422
Collection : YEN ON
Language : EN
Book type : SHONEN
SKU: 978031625942251400
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