In a place outside the waking world where children go while they sleep.
Wander the dreamkin—lost sleepers, whose souls this land seeks to keep.
Underneath the gentle waves of lucid seas we fell.
We’re off to find our missing friends in the vast Dreamwell.
Dreamwell is a 2-4 player competitive game featuring the art of Tara McPherson where players are trying to locate theirlost friends in the Dreamwell. The Dreamwell is represented by a 4 x 4 grid of tiles. Each tile shows a environment and a creature, in addition to pathways to neighboring tiles. At the beginning of the game, players will be dealt two cards, each of which shows a picture of the friend whom he or she is trying to locate along with the two creatures and environment that will be requiredto find that particular friend.
On your turn, you will be able to take three actions from the following list: move one of your pawns, rotate a tile, draw a card, replace the display, or locate one ofyour missing friends by playing a card. Only by carefully navigating the maze-like Dreamwell can you locate your friendsand win the game.
DREAMWELL - DREAMWELL (ANGLAIS) est catégorisé dans JEUX DE SOCIÉTÉ / JEUX GRAND PUBLIC / JEUX DE CARTES en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.
Wander the dreamkin—lost sleepers, whose souls this land seeks to keep.
Underneath the gentle waves of lucid seas we fell.
We’re off to find our missing friends in the vast Dreamwell.
Dreamwell is a 2-4 player competitive game featuring the art of Tara McPherson where players are trying to locate theirlost friends in the Dreamwell. The Dreamwell is represented by a 4 x 4 grid of tiles. Each tile shows a environment and a creature, in addition to pathways to neighboring tiles. At the beginning of the game, players will be dealt two cards, each of which shows a picture of the friend whom he or she is trying to locate along with the two creatures and environment that will be requiredto find that particular friend.
On your turn, you will be able to take three actions from the following list: move one of your pawns, rotate a tile, draw a card, replace the display, or locate one ofyour missing friends by playing a card. Only by carefully navigating the maze-like Dreamwell can you locate your friendsand win the game.
DREAMWELL - DREAMWELL (ANGLAIS) est catégorisé dans JEUX DE SOCIÉTÉ / JEUX GRAND PUBLIC / JEUX DE CARTES en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.
Auteurs :
Nick Little (I)
Artistes : Tara McPherson,Scott Hartman
Complexité : 2.29
Jeu pour : GF13
Durée d'une partie : 30-45 MIN
Niveau de difficulté : JEUX AVANCÉ
Nombre de joueurs : 2-4
Artistes : Tara McPherson,Scott Hartman
Complexité : 2.29
Jeu pour : GF13
Durée d'une partie : 30-45 MIN
Niveau de difficulté : JEUX AVANCÉ
Nombre de joueurs : 2-4
SKU: 0854153006064
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Annie E. | Signaler ce commentaire |
21/02/2023 | |
Abstrait mais unique | |
Petit jeu abstrait où l'on se déplace sur un plateau central fait de tuiles recto-verso où l'on essaie de retrouver des personnages dans un labyrinthe. Ces personnages sont représentés sous forme de carte avec leurs exigences. Peut devenir assez casse-tête, surtout si vous jouez avec la version avancée. Jeu très interactif assez facile a prendre en main. |