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The Deck of Many Things is a famous DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® magic item whose effects are as spectacular as they are unpredictable. Within this box, you’ll find the Book of Many Things, which illuminates the deck’s mysteries and provides everything Dungeon Masters need to use it in their campaigns. This book includes advice, adventure locations, and new monsters for Dungeon Masters, as well as character options, magic items, and organizations for players, all inspired by the deck.

This set also includes lavishly illustrated cards for the Deck of Many Things, including additional cards that triple the deck’s size, allowing you to build the perfect deck for your campaign. An accompanying guidebook shows how to use the cards as a traditional oracle deck or to create D&D® adventures inspired by the cards.

Introduce even more magical whimsy into your game with this reimagined version of the Deck of Many Things. In addition to the 22 cards in the original Deck of Many Things, discover 44 startling – but delightful – new cards that only add to the randomness. Substitute these wild cards into your deck however you please for the perfect blend of curated chaos.

Creativity can’t be forced, but the Deck of Many Things provides just enough unpredictability to spark that lighting in a bottle moment. From new adventure hooks and key locations to inventive new ways to determine random encounters, Dungeon Masters have all the ingredients to build perfect chaos into their campaigns. Together with your party, craft dramatic experiences, experience startling twists, and delight in unexpected moments of brilliance.

Do you dare to change your destiny? Transform your fate with 2 new player backgrounds, where drawing from the deck has either rewarded you with a miraculous turn of good fortune or ruined you in a single calamitous stroke. Explore arcane possibilities, channeling your magic through a deck of cards and allowing it to flourish with 1 new feat and 3 mystical spells.

Dive deeper than ever before into the lore behind the beloved magic item in this expanded version of the Deck of Many Things. How did the Deck of Many Things come to be? What is the significance of one baneful figure depicted in the cards? The answers you seek – and more – will be revealed for the first time ever.

All books are English only.
  • The Book of Many Things, a 192-page hardcover book for players and Dungeon Masters alike, inspired by the Deck of Many Things
  • The Deck of Many Things, expanded to a total of 66 unique cards
  • An 80-page hardcover guidebook showcasing each card in the expanded deck
  • Sturdy custom box to store the guidebook and all 66 cards, with lavishly illustrated art backs and new artwork
  • D&D Beyond digital copy of The Book of Many Things


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS - THE BOOK OF MANY THINGS - ALTERNATE COVER (ANGLAIS) - 5E ÉDITION est catégorisé dans JEUX DE RÔLES / LIVRES / D20 en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.


Complexité : 0.00

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dominic d.Signaler ce commentaire
Qualité excellente
La qualité du produit est excellente.
Le livre en est un de ressources et les cartes sont très bien faites.

Recommande le tout pour les dm

STEPHANE L.Signaler ce commentaire
Tout simplement parfait!
Il est magnifique... Autant le livre que les cartes du "Deck of many things" incluses.
C'est rapidement devenu l'objet magique favori de mes joueurs qui en veulent un à chaque nouvelle campagne!??

Rémi L.Signaler ce commentaire
Voici un module intéressant. Il apporte de la saveur à une game c'est certain.

Le paquet de carte et même la boite sont super beau.

Le module donne beaucoup d'idée sur comment utiliser les cartes. Comment créer un Deck of Many Thing, comment créer un Deck de Tarot.

Malgré son prix un peu élevé, je le conseil fortement si vous voulez de l'imprévisible dans votre partie ;)

DANNY K.Signaler ce commentaire
En tant que novice, je ne connaissais pas The Book of many Things. Je trouve très intéressant comme aide à la créativité lors d'une partie.

Thomas B.Signaler ce commentaire
Excellent produit complementaire DnD
Un super ajout à n'importe quelle campagne de Dungeons and Dragons. Un livre qui aggrandit la mythologie sur un des items les plus populaires.

Kayvan Z.Signaler ce commentaire
Really awesome
This is an incredible product. I just recently got into dungeons and dragons and I love it. The art is fantastic and the book of many things is really cool.

SEBASTIEN G.Signaler ce commentaire
Un must
Un très beau produit, pour commencer. Les détails dans les cartes sont vraiment superbes. Il y a eu beaucoup de beau et bin travail dans cette extension.

Ça apporte aussi une nouvelle dimension au jeu. On pouvait faire le « deck of many things » avec un jeu de carte, maintenant l’immersion est beaucoup plus complète.

Alexandre J.Signaler ce commentaire
Ce livre est un indispensable compagnon de jeu, regorgeant de nouveaux défis et nouvelles mécaniques. Avec ses idées stimulantes et sa présentation soignée, il ravira les joueurs et les maîtres du jeu, enrichissant chaque partie de moments inoubliables.

alexandre G.Signaler ce commentaire
Very fun to use
I was hesitant to buy it, but I did not regret. The books that come with the deck (tarot guide book and dnd resource book) are great! It is super fun to do live tarot reads with the players and use the new information in the campaing!

Mario B.Signaler ce commentaire
Tout le contenue est excellent. Les cartes avec un contour doré, wow ! Le livret inclus qui explique chaque carte, magnifique. J'ai absolument rien à dire de négatif sur ce produit, de Prime.

Jean-Francois P.Signaler ce commentaire
Excellent produit
Meme si vous n'etes pas certain de vouloir inclure un element aussi chaotique que le deck of many thing dans votre campagne, ce kit contient le deck of many more thung qui change drastiquement le deroulement des évènements et ajoute beaucoup de plaisirs pour vos joueurs

Bianka R.Signaler ce commentaire
This truly is a masterpiece. The book of lore is great, the guide is well-detailed, and the cards are absolutely stunning. I truly can't over how beautiful they are - truly worth the price.

Mikael G.Signaler ce commentaire
Intéréssant, mais dur d'utilisation
Le livre et le Deck son super beau. La qualité est bonne et les cartes sont correct. Les idées du livres sont vraiment bonnes, mais, c'est tellement mal organisé que c'est très difficiles de trouvé l'information voulu.

Samuel P.Signaler ce commentaire
Not necessary, but so nice
There isn't a world in which you would 100% need this book. But there isn't one either in which it isnt useful and fun. This addition is expensive, but worth the money when you see the magic it brings around your table.

Sofyan S.Signaler ce commentaire
Cards are beautiful
The book is amazing and the cards are absolutely stunning! The employees at the store were very friendly and helpful and price matched it with a different store. (the difference being $25. I love it and can't wait to use it in my campaign.

Isaac R.Signaler ce commentaire
A Wonderful Mess
This book is a wonderful yet pricey addition to my library, but the quality of the products makes for it. It must be the one of the most beautiful things the D&D brand has released in a while and it has to be taken as such, visuals/appeal over practicality. The cards are an amazing tool for a campaign and the new concept added in the books all have a “je ne sais quoi” of mystic and controlled chaos. Let me be clear, the book makes no sense in terms of continuity, but it makes it feel like a shuffled deck of cards. It’s the gimmickiest gimmick ever.

joel t.Signaler ce commentaire
well made but hat the design
the product is really well made the cad box is nice. My only problem with this is that the other shell isnt really made to be kept around and i would have preferred that.

Guillaume L.Signaler ce commentaire
Super coffret
Tres beau coffret qui inclut un livre avec plein d'options pour les maitres de jeux et le fameux deck of many things. C'est un petit luxe, maia je le recommande à ceux qui cherchent un petit extra pour leur collection

Graham L.Signaler ce commentaire
While most won’t find this product useful for their games, I’ve already started using the advice from this set to plan for a potential upcoming game. Lots of ideas in this book and deck of cards if you’re willing to look for them.

Christian H.Signaler ce commentaire
Très beau produit
WotC nous a fait un très beau produit. Les cartes sont superbes. La version alternative est magnifique. Une multitude d'options pour utiliser le deck. Un prix élevé, mais un produit unique.

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