SKU: 9781910132548
Commande spéciale
At the heart of human civilisation since the Exodus, Luna City is the first human settlement beyond Earth, and the greatest city ever built by mankind. The city is a teeming metropolis, home to vast numbers of people, both employees of the megacorporations and those who exist between those grand organisations. It is a melting pot of cultures, and a place where history and the modern age collide, and nocitizen of Luna would wish to live anywhere else. It is also home to the Brotherhood and the Cartel, and the heart of the solar system’s political and economic landscape... yet it is also a hotbed of crime, corruption, and dark secrets.
• History: Delve into the history of Luna in the days before, and during, the Fall and the First Dark Symmetry War
• The People: Numerous NPCs and plot hooks to help expand your Mutant Chronicles campaign
• The Law: Expanded charactercreation options to support Luna’s beleaguered police department
• Beyond and Below: Venture into the blasted wasteland beyond the city’s walls, and into the caverns, tunnels, and undercity below
• The City: Explore the largest and grandest city in human history, discovering details and secretsnever before revealed
MUTANT CHRONICLES - MUTANT CHRONICLES - LUNA & FREELANCERS SOURCEBOOK est catégorisé dans JEUX DE RÔLES / LIVRES / AUTRES en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.
• History: Delve into the history of Luna in the days before, and during, the Fall and the First Dark Symmetry War
• The People: Numerous NPCs and plot hooks to help expand your Mutant Chronicles campaign
• The Law: Expanded charactercreation options to support Luna’s beleaguered police department
• Beyond and Below: Venture into the blasted wasteland beyond the city’s walls, and into the caverns, tunnels, and undercity below
• The City: Explore the largest and grandest city in human history, discovering details and secretsnever before revealed
MUTANT CHRONICLES - MUTANT CHRONICLES - LUNA & FREELANCERS SOURCEBOOK est catégorisé dans JEUX DE RÔLES / LIVRES / AUTRES en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.
Éditeur :
Type de jeu : AU-1145
Type de jeu : AU-1145
SKU: 9781910132548
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