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Are you ready to join the conflict?
In Unspoken Tales, you journey back into the world of Fyera, first introduced in Soulmist: A Journey from Darkness to Light, and unravel its dark, forbidding secrets. The three adventures in this book take the characters to the major regions of the world, from the twilit Penumbra, to the depths of the Darklands past the Cressets of Vigil, then back to the sun-kissed city of Nalda.
The war between Darkness and Light has raged in Fyera for a millennium. Half the world remains in perpetual light, while the other half has succumbed to a darkness that never ends. Amidst this ceaseless struggle, you will find yourself in the company of like-minded heroes that will unfold the secrets of the past and weave their destinies to the fate of Light.
Shadows are growing thicker. The forces of the Dark Saints are mustering. A plot is woven, sinister and unspeakable. It is time to pick up your weapons and fight - lest the darkness fall over you.
What to expect in this book:
1. A return to the setting of Fyera, and the five playable races that make up the people of the Light. The alliance against the Dark still holds, but long-lost secrets threaten its stability. One way or another, the heroes' actions will help shape the future of the Lumens, Avernians, Eldrasyrs, Yildrasyrs, and Primus.
2. Three wildly different adventurers. In The Quiet Gardener, an adventure of mystery and intrigue, the heroes delve into Penumbra looking to unravel the mysterious fate of Artem Elonareth, who disappeared from the world centuries ago. In Crown of Twilight, the players venture into the dreaded Darklands for the first time, in a traditional adventure filled with action and danger, in a quest to recover the eponymous Crown, one of the most powerful artifacts in Fyera's history. Finally, in Tide of Darkness, they return to Nalda, the City of Light, and must defend it against a relentless assault by three Dark Saints and their legions. In this sandbox adventure, the DM is given the tools to craft their own narrative within the framework of a city under siege by an irrepressible evil.
3. Over 70 new statblocks of creatures and characters to add to the already existing bestiary first introduced in Soulmist: Darklands.
4. Over 30 new magic items seeping with flavor and full of lore tied to Fyera's rich history, for you to use in your adventures.
In short, Soulmist: Unspoken Tales provides everything a DM needs to put their players in a dark, gritty fantasy world and give them an adventure to test their mettle and spirit.
SOULMIST - UNSPOKEN TALES (ANGLAIS) - 5E ÉDITION est catégorisé dans JEUX DE RÔLES / LIVRES / AUTRES en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.
ISBN : 9786188626423
Langage : Anglais
Type de livre : JEUX