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To mark Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition’s fifth year of publication, we’ve gathered some of our most popular articles in one place. Each item was previously only available in a digital-only format, and this print collection deserves a place on any collector’s bookshelf.
Reikland Miscellanea collates the following titles in one convenient package! Whether you’re a veteran of the Reikland’s muddy roads and winding waterways or a pristine adventurer ready to get your boots muddy, there’s something here for everyone.
Patrons of the Old World I and II: A collection of eight fascinating Patrons, influential and driven NPCs with their own agendas, useful plot hooks, and a master plan that Characters throw their weight behind or struggle to prevent…
Buildings of the Reikland: A collection of buildings, each with detailed floor plans and intriguing details, suitable for dropping into any WFRP campaign.
One Shots of the Reikland: A selection of quick-fire adventures, each set in one of the locations from Buildings of the Reikland, and suitable for a single frantic session of play.
Monuments of the Reikland: Five fascinating monuments, each a well-known landmark, and each with its own, often sinister, secret.
Shrines of Sigmar: Five shrines to mighty Sigmar, the patron deity of the Empire. But all is not as it seems in these fascinating locations.
Sullasara’s Spells of Utmost Utility: The Elf Mage Sullasara hoped this book of spells for all eight winds of magic would be put to constructive use by the wizards of the Empire, who promptly found entirely different applications for her magic.
Blood and Bramble: Witch and Hedgewitch alike will find a wide array of spells to use in this fair and foul collection of magic. Also included are two intriguing and learned NPCs of somewhat dubious intent.
WARHAMMER FANTASY ROLE PLAY - REIKLAND MISCELLANEA (ANGLAIS) est catégorisé dans JEUX DE RÔLES / LIVRES / WARHAMMER en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.
Type de jeu : AU-1145
PATRICK G. | Signaler ce commentaire |
14/09/2024 | |
Très heureux! | |
J'ai acheté ce supplément pour ajouter de la profondeur à mes games de Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Merci pour le service rapide de mise de côté et lors de la réception de mon livre au magasin de Trois-Rivières. ?? |
Lionel S. | Signaler ce commentaire |
17/10/2024 | |
More than expected! | |
Reikland Miscellanea contains a fascinating array of materials useful to GMs and players alike. If you’ve longed to possess any of these items in print, now’s your chance. I own several of these titles already and can vouch they are great. If you want a physical product then this is obviously for you; even if you’re only interested in these titles in pdf then this book is great value since buying everything separate as a pdf would cost you some $30 on DriveThruRPG, while this is a only $20. |
Robert L. | Signaler ce commentaire |
10/10/2024 | |
Great collection of assorted content | |
This book combines a lot of the various PDFs that have been released over the last years. It's a nice grab bag of NPCs, locations, plot hooks to choose from, as well as having some extended sections on stuff like Hedge magic. Not for everyone - but a good read for ideas! |