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In Bohnanza you plant then harvest bean cards in order to earn coins. Each player starts with a hand of random bean cards and each card has a number on it corresponding to the number of that type of beans in the deck. Unlike in most other cards games you cant rearrange the order of cards in hand so you must use them in the order that you've picked them up from the deck — unless you can trade them to other players which is the heart of the game. On a turn you must plant the first one or two cards in your hand into the fields in front of you. Each field can hold only one type of bean so if you must plant a type of bean that's not in one of your fields then you must harvest a field to make room for the new arrival. This usually isn't good Next you reveal two cards from the deck and you can then trade these cards as well as any card in your hand for cards from other players. You can even make future promises for cards received right now After all the trading is complete — and all trades on a turn must involve the active player — then you end your turn by drawing cards from the deck and placing them at the back of your hand. When you harvest beans you receive coins based on the number of bean cards in that field and the bean-o-meter for that particular type of bean. Flip over 1 4 cards from that field to transform them into coins then place the remainder of the cards in the discard pile. When the deck runs out shuffle the discards playing through the deck two more times. At the end of the game everyone can harvest their fields then whoever has earned the most coins wins. Bohnanza: 25 Jahre Edition is a special 25th anniversary edition of the game that contains a new bean type Elsterbohne; magpie bean and comes with three variant games one of which will use a collectible coin packaged in the box.

BOHNANZA - ÉDITION 25ÈME ANNIVERSAIRE (ANGLAIS) est catégorisé dans JEUX DE SOCIÉTÉ / JEUX GRAND PUBLIC / JEUX DE CARTES en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.

Éditeur : AMIGO

Auteurs : Uwe Rosenberg

Artistes : Björn Pertoft

Complexité : 1.53

Langage : Français

Jeu pour : GF10

Durée d'une partie : 45-45 MIN

Niveau de difficulté : JEUX LÉGER

Nombre de joueurs : 2-7

Évaluation des clients
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5 étoiles
33% (1)
4 étoiles
66% (2)
3 étoiles
0% (0)
2 étoiles
0% (0)
1 étoile
0% (0)

JEAN F.Signaler ce commentaire
Bon jeu facile à apprendre.
C'est un bon jeu simple dans lequel on doit s'échanger des cartes et faires des deals. S'apprend très bien et cette édition particulièrement est très jolie avec le boitier pour les 25 ans.

Dylan J.Signaler ce commentaire
Jeux de marchandage, amusant entre bon ami, j'aime bien jouer à ce jeu à multiples reprise. Belle cartes et bien expliqué je recommande à tous

Jonathan L.Signaler ce commentaire
L'édition 25e anniversaire de Bohnanza célèbre ce classique avec un design amélioré et des cartes spéciales, parfait pour les amateurs de jeux de stratégie et d’échange.

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