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Why would you leave? Because the deck also contains hazards: scorpions, snakes, poison gas, explosions and rockfalls. When a particular hazard is revealed for the second time (e.g., a second scorpion), anyone still in the shaft or on the path has to drop all the gems they've collected that round and flee for safety. The trick is that as more players leave each turn, your share of the pie grows larger, which will perhaps inspire you to explore deeper — but at the risk of ending up with nothing.
All editions of Incan Gold and later editions of Diamant include five artifact cards that are shuffled into the deck of gem and hazard cards, either one per round or all at once. When an artifact card is revealed, no one can take this card and it's placed on the path. If exactly one player leaves at the end of a turn, they collect not only all gems that remain on the path, but the artifact as well, which is worth points at the end of the game.
The New Dangers Expansion features two new modules:
Assist, offering a third decision for players each round.
Events, which affect the gameplay in each round while exploring the temple ruins.
This expansion also includes 8 Explore & 8 Exit cards with updated art to match the New Assist cards.
INCAN GOLD - BASE GAME + EXPANSION (ANGLAIS) est catégorisé dans JEUX DE SOCIÉTÉ / JEUX GRAND PUBLIC / JEUX DE RISQUES ET D'OPPORTUNITÉS en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.
Auteurs : Bruno Faidutti, Alan R. Moon
Artistes : Jörg Asselborn, Matthias Catrein, Robert Islas, Prapach Lapamnuaysap, Paul Mafayon, Claus Stephan, Christof Tisch
Complexité : 1.11
Jeu pour : GF8
Durée d'une partie : 30 min
Niveau de difficulté : JEUX LÉGER
Nombre de joueurs : 3-8
Jayden S. | Signaler ce commentaire |
15/11/2024 | |
Canadian version of Diamant | |
I didn't realize that Diamant is not available in NA, and this is our version of the game. It keeps the spirit of the original game and is good, simple fun. |
Nicolas H. | Signaler ce commentaire |
02/12/2024 | |
Bon jeu rapide | |
Il 'agit d'un excellent jeu pour jouer avec un groupe de plusieurs personnes. Les règlements sont simples, le parties ne prennent pas une éternité et c'est amusant. |
Charles G. | Signaler ce commentaire |
22/02/2025 | |
How lucky are you? | |
Played this with friends and family and I really enjoyed seeing how everyone has their own flavor on pushing their luck. Some leave early to keep their winnings and some like to draw one more card since they are alone exploring the caves. Resulting in them getting way more gems or hilariously losing it all to a hazard. This game is so easy to pick up, teach and to play since all anyone has to do is decide if they want to stay or leave the caves after each revealed card. |