Mon dieu! M. Harpagon Richard is most decidedly dead, though not nearly soon enough for YOUR tastes, the old miser. His passing has brought you all together, feigning tears and anticipating your inheritance, when a terribly bothersome police inspector calls upon you.
Chief Inspector Francois Cleu is not convinced that Harpagon passed peacefully in his sleep, as was reported. In fact, he's discovered"somewhat troubling evidence" that he was instead stabbed, poisoned, shot, strangled, bludgeoned and thrown out of a third story window. Worse, he seems to think YOU had something to do with it. Well, even if you did, which you didn't, there's no sense in all of you going to prison for it. That's why you've decided to "help" the Chief Inspector figure out who did! After all, you're the old man's heir and you're finally going to get what's coming to way or another.
J'Accuse! is about implicating and accusing your friends and family ofmurder — and no one "wins" the game so much as one ofyou will lose! The object is to avoid suspicion for as long as you can, while assuring that someone else ends up accused for the crime. Thegame ends, and the loser is "Arrested", when one player gets stuck with at least one of each type of Evidence (Motive, Opportunity and Weapon, which solves the case) OR by having ANY five pieces of Hard Evidence against them (a Preponderance of Evidence).
J'ACCUSE - J'ACCUSE (ANGLAIS) est catégorisé dans JEUX DE SOCIÉTÉ / JEUX GRAND PUBLIC / JEUX DE CARTES en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.
Chief Inspector Francois Cleu is not convinced that Harpagon passed peacefully in his sleep, as was reported. In fact, he's discovered"somewhat troubling evidence" that he was instead stabbed, poisoned, shot, strangled, bludgeoned and thrown out of a third story window. Worse, he seems to think YOU had something to do with it. Well, even if you did, which you didn't, there's no sense in all of you going to prison for it. That's why you've decided to "help" the Chief Inspector figure out who did! After all, you're the old man's heir and you're finally going to get what's coming to way or another.
J'Accuse! is about implicating and accusing your friends and family ofmurder — and no one "wins" the game so much as one ofyou will lose! The object is to avoid suspicion for as long as you can, while assuring that someone else ends up accused for the crime. Thegame ends, and the loser is "Arrested", when one player gets stuck with at least one of each type of Evidence (Motive, Opportunity and Weapon, which solves the case) OR by having ANY five pieces of Hard Evidence against them (a Preponderance of Evidence).
J'ACCUSE - J'ACCUSE (ANGLAIS) est catégorisé dans JEUX DE SOCIÉTÉ / JEUX GRAND PUBLIC / JEUX DE CARTES en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.
Éditeur :
Smirk & Dagger Games
Auteurs : Jonathan Lavallee
Artistes : Malin Falch
Complexité : 1.33
Langage : Anglais
Jeu pour : GF14
Durée d'une partie : 30-60 MIN
Niveau de difficulté : JEUX LÉGER
Nombre de joueurs : 3-6
Auteurs : Jonathan Lavallee
Artistes : Malin Falch
Complexité : 1.33
Langage : Anglais
Jeu pour : GF14
Durée d'une partie : 30-60 MIN
Niveau de difficulté : JEUX LÉGER
Nombre de joueurs : 3-6
SKU: 978098639202351999
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