SKU: 978145217362751295
Commande spéciale
From the very first week of Tim Clancy's 25-year career as a high school English teacher, he began to notice and collect funny and strange moments he discovered in his students' writing, such as: "The word 'witch' has become a household word, like 'spatula,'" and "Wherever excitement is, there will always be romance. Trust me." He would occasionally share them with his classes, who enjoyed them as much as he did, and so this book was born. Best in Class collects nearly 200 of the most entertaining of these moments culled from real student writing and complements them with dozens of playful illustrations to create a sympathetically hilarious book for anyone who has muddled their way through the wilderness of a school writing assignment.
BEST IN CLASS - ESSENTIAL WISDOM FROM REAL STUDENT WRITING - (V.A.) est catégorisé dans ROMANS ET LIVRES / LIVRES DE RÉFÉRENCE / HUMOUR en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.
BEST IN CLASS - ESSENTIAL WISDOM FROM REAL STUDENT WRITING - (V.A.) est catégorisé dans ROMANS ET LIVRES / LIVRES DE RÉFÉRENCE / HUMOUR en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.
Éditeur :
Auteurs : TIM CLANCY
ISBN : 9781452173627
Type de livre : HUMOUR
Auteurs : TIM CLANCY
ISBN : 9781452173627
Type de livre : HUMOUR
SKU: 978145217362751295
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