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Codenames Duet keeps the basic elements of Codenames — give one-word clues to try to get someone to identify your agents among those on the table — but now you're working together as a team to find all of your agents. (Why you don't already know who your agents are is a question that Congressional investigators will get on your back about later!)

To set up play, lay out 25 word cards in a 5×5 grid. Place a key card in the holder so that each player sees one side of the card. Each player sees a 5×5 grid on the card, with nine of the squares colored green (representing your agents) and three squares colored black (representing assassins). Three of the nine squares on each side are also green on the other side, one assassin is black on both sides, one is green on the other side and the other is an innocent bystander on the other side.

Collectively, you need to reveal all fifteen agents — without revealing an assassin — before time runs out in order to win the game. Either player can decide to give the first one-word clue to the other player, along with a number. Whoever receives the clue places a finger on a card to identify that agent. If correct, they can attempt to identify another one. If they identify a bystander, then their guessing time ends. If they identify an assassin, you both lose! Unlike regular Codenames, they can keep guessing as long as they keep identifying an agent each time; this is useful for going back to previous clues and finding ones they missed earlier. After the first clue is given, players alternate giving clues.

AGE : 11+
PLAYING TIME : 15-30 Min

CODENAMES - DUET (ENGLISH) is categorised BOARDGAMES / GENERAL PUBLIC GAMES / 1-2 PLAYERS GAMES and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.

Autors : Vlaada Chvátil,Scot Eaton

Artists : Tomáš Kucerovský

Complexity : 1.36

Average Time : 15-30 MIN

Difficulty level : EASY GAME

Players quantity : 2-2

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Robert P.Report this review
Humourous and Fun
I have played this game with numerous people (some of which do not play board games) and it has always hit as a fun co-op game. Its interesting to see how different people think about the same issue as you do.

Jean B.Report this review
Excellent jeu en couple
Parfait pour les amateurs de Codenames qui veulent continuer le plaisir quand tout le monde est parti. Peut se mélanger avec les cartes de Codenames pictures pour plus de variété.

RENÉE S.Report this review
Une très bonne version coop d'un incontournable! Le seul hic, c'est qu'il n'y a qu'une seule personne qui réfléchit à deviner nos indices! Ça peut rendre le tout un peu plus frustrant par moment!

Nelson C.Report this review
Facile à jouer
Jeux très facile à jouer à deux. Très semblable au jeux de base, mais fait pour 2 joueurs. Peut facilement utiliser les même cartes que le jeux original.

Nedeljko D.Report this review
Awesome little game for 2 players. No need to be a fan of board games to enjoy this one. You have words to guess and words to avoid, and all you have is a clue from your partner that can point to different words, including the ones you're not supposed to guess. It comes with a lot of cards (different words), it never is the same.

Philippe B.Report this review
Easy to set up and lots of "replayability"
We had played the original Codenames in gatherings, so we were eager to try this version at home (just two players). The game offers a lot of "replayability". Very easy to set up.

Derek A.Report this review
Codenames' cooperative cousin
I find the original Codenames to be somewhat of a mixed bag - with a good group, it's a ton of fun, but I often found myself feeling, well, a bit dumb when playing it, particularly with fewer (or more competitive) people. But in Codenames: Duet, you're working together to beat the game, which really foregrounds the feeling of this being a puzzle, rather than a competition - and a fairly difficult puzzle at that, since I'm pretty sure the word set's a bit more challenging than the original game! Totally worth your time if you enjoy cooperative games.

Pierre-Emmanuel S.Report this review
Very fun
Very fun and challenging variant of the base game for two players. If you are already a fan of codename, codename duet is a good twist of the game allowing for games with two players !!

Derek N.Report this review
Easy to learn and highly replayable
I'm always looking for easy to learn and easy to play games for 2 people. Codenames Duet absolutely meets the mark here. We played the same day we bought the game and quickly understood the basics -- had a great time!

Anne M.Report this review
Duet game
This game is on the top 10 on many YouTuber, at first didn't feel like buying it, but Since everyone was talking about it, I bought it. And it was a very good suprise, I didn't know we could laugh so much by.playing a game. My boyfriend and I realized that we do not think alike and to be able to win the game we would have to think more alike. We did enjoy the game and we played multiple time..we had fun and we laughed at the answers each other gave. There are many other codename game if you want to play with more player. You can also mixt the world with other codename boxes to have more choices. Giving clues was never that funny.

Francis D.Report this review
Great 2-player game!
Will be easy to pick up for anyone who's played the standard Codenames, but adds enough variety to make it rather unique. The way you can math out when the assassins are is pretty ingenious.

Roberto P.Report this review
A Classic Approachable Game
This is a great entry level game when trying to introduce new gamers into the hobby. Also really fun to play in couples. There are a few different versions.

Derrick L.Report this review
If you like Codenames...
As fans of the main game we were sceptical about making it work with just 2, but this actually does give you a great way to scratch your Codenames itch with just two people. Plays well and is a good value since the cards included can be blended with the cards from the main game to expand that as well.

karina e.Report this review

Jake P.Report this review
Code Names Duet
Un jeu coopératif à 2 joueurs! nous sommes vraiment content de cette trouvaille! C'est trop difficile pour ma fille de 7 ans mais pour mon gars de 10 ans, c'est parfait. Il était moins chèr sur le site de l'imaginaire que sur le site d'amazon et nous l'avons reçu par la poste dès le lendemain!

LUC J.Report this review

LAURENT M.Report this review
Fantastique variante pour jouer à deux
Difficile de croire que le jeu Codename pourrait avoir une variante aussi 'cool' pour deux joueurs, mais Duet vient remplir cette niche. Au lieu d'avoir un seul maitre espion, les deux joueurs incarnent le maitre espion de l'autre et chacun voit un côté de la carte avec ses espions (certains pareils, certains différents) à faire deviner à l'autre. Le jeu est aussi difficile que souhaité selon le nombre de tours que vous choisirez de prendre pour réaliser le défi.

AUDREY-ANNE L.Report this review
Super option pour jouer à deux. Nous avions tenté de jouer à deux avec la version originale du jeu Codenames mais le résultat n’était pas concluant. Avec les cartes recto-verso de Codenames Duet qui n’ont pas les mêmes mots à faire trouver de chaque côté, chaque joueur peut faire deviner et tenter de deviner dans la même partie ce qui rend les choses beaucoup plus intéressantes lorsqu’on joue à deux.

Christian G.Report this review
Codename Duet
à vos risque et péril. J'ai acheter le jeu pour jouer avec ma femme. Lorsqu'on est capable de comprendre les indices de l'autres, c'est fantastique. Par contre, lorsqu'on est pas sur la même fréquence, l'atmosphère se refroidis très rapidement. Permet de jouer a Codename a 2 et d'avoir du bon temps pareille.

Olivier P.Report this review
Codename duet est comme les autres codename mais coopératifs. Un peux moin le fun selon mon avis mais reste ok si vous aimez les jeux de déduction.

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