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Once upon a time, the Empire was locked in a merciless war against the Witch-King, who was the high priest of the Father-of-all-Monsters. The Empire was victorious, but at the cost of its unity and, in the end, its very existence. After an era of imperial peace, the land was plunged into a dark age, filled with fragmented domains, ceaseless quarrels, malevolent religions, ruin, and sorrow. However, there was one imperial tradition that did not disappear. From within their fortresses and strongholds, the Rangers tirelessly pursue their mission of watching over the inhabitants of the former Empire, explore the wilderness, unite communities, fight monsters, and recover the Emperor’s treasures so that one day, hope may be born anew. Now it’s your turn to join the ranks of these brave Rangers! Oltréé!*
*Oltree! The Rangers’ rallying cry

In this cooperative game, players are brave Rangers who assist he people of a satrapy - an administrative province - that their hierarchy has put them in charge of. They must rebuild a Fortress to ensure the safety and tranquility of the inhabitants.
Rangers are given an Assignment at the start of the game. These are the tasks that have been assigned to them by their hierarchy. Completing them will be the best way to win the game.
This assignment would be easy to carry out if external events did not get in the Rangers’ way. A story, called the Chronicle, will unfold throughout the game, adding new situations that the Rangers will have to deal with.
Along the way, the Rangers will experience Incidents, short scenes in which they will be able to win fame for themselves (or not). They will also have to assist the communities of the Satrapy when Problems cause them danger, and they must face all kinds of unforeseen Events.
If they can stay the course, while keeping the Prestige and Defense of the Fortress intact, they will reach the final chapter of the Chronicle and can end the tale. For a happy ending, they must complete their Assignment to the best of their ability.
In this box you will find the following independent Chronicles (they don't form an overarching campaign):
  • Open Doors (short)
  • In the Shadow of the Dragon (long)
  • Underground threat (long)
  • Damsel not in Distress (long)
  • A Rebel Problem (long)
  • Things were better before (long)

OLTRÉÉ - BASE GAME (ENGLISH) is categorised BOARDGAMES / GENERAL PUBLIC GAMES / COOPERATIVE GAMES and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.

Editor : Studio H

Autors : John Grümph,John Grümph,Antoine Bauza,Antoine Bauza

Artists : Vincent Dutrait,Vincent Dutrait

Complexity : 2.32

Game for : GF8

Average Time : 60-120 MIN

Difficulty level : MEDIUM GAME

Players quantity : 2-4

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Vincent B.Report this review
Most surprising production values
I have been collecting board games for years and I don’t think I have even been this impressed by the quality of production from straight to retail release like this one.
Beautiful components and art, cool storage solution, all this for a reasonable price. Game is like if you mashed up Talisman and Ghost Stories.
Not as hard as Ghost Stories but much more thematic and has more agency.
Can’t wait for more Chronicles expansions!
Studio H is off to a great start with this series.

Laury D.Report this review
Nice cooperative game with short narrative stories
I played this game with 2 and 3 players and it was equally enjoyable in both cases. The game allows us to select a narrative story and challenges to complete. Each character has his own advantages which are interesting and diversified. At first glance I was afraid it would be too complex, but the rules are simple, the game is intuitive and the story allows us to evolve easily. I highly recommend it.

Jean-François R.Report this review
Super mais...
J’ai eu l’occasion de plonger dans l’univers d’Oltrée et je dois dire que c’était une expérience mémorable. Ce jeu coopératif et narratif, inspiré du jeu de rôle du même nom, offre une immersion totale grâce à ses scénarios riches et variés.

Points forts :

Narration immersive : Chaque partie d’Oltrée est une aventure unique. Les chroniques et péripéties sont captivantes et bien écrites, ce qui rend chaque session de jeu différente et engageante.

Matériel de qualité : Les illustrations de Vincent Dutrait sont magnifiques et ajoutent une profondeur visuelle à l’expérience de jeu. Les composants sont robustes et bien conçus.

Accessibilité : Les règles sont relativement simples à comprendre, ce qui permet de jouer en famille ou entre amis sans passer des heures à les expliquer.

Coopération : Le jeu encourage une véritable coopération entre les joueurs. Chacun doit utiliser ses compétences et ressources de manière stratégique pour surmonter les défis et accomplir les missions.

Points à améliorer :

Rejouabilité : Bien que les scénarios soient variés, après plusieurs parties, on peut ressentir une certaine répétitivité. J’espère que des extensions ou de nouveaux scénarios seront disponibles à l’avenir pour renouveler l’expérience.

Aléatoire : Certains joueurs pourraient trouver que le facteur chance est trop présent, ce qui peut parfois rendre les parties frustrantes si les dés ne sont pas en votre faveur.

En résumé, Oltrée est un excellent jeu pour ceux qui aiment les aventures coopératives et narratives. Il offre une belle combinaison de stratégie, de narration et de coopération, le tout dans un univers médiéval magnifiquement illustré. C’est un jeu que je recommande vivement pour des soirées de jeu immersives et divertissantes.

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