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You open your eyes to discover the most horrible truth of a lifetime... It has just come to an end and you are a ghost, floating in the air! Terrified, you look at your own body. A group of strange individuals have gathered around your mortal remains, watching it closely with sparks of fascination in their eyes. They want to communicate with you to discover how your life ended. You need to talk to them and reveal the truth so the culprit can be judged!

Paranormal Detectives is a deduction party game. One player takes the role of a Ghost. All other players work as Paranormal Detectives and need to discover how the victim died. Using paranormal abilities they will communicate with the Ghost, asking open questions about the details of the crime. The Ghost answers in a variety of ghostly ways - by arranging a hangman’s knot, playing chosen tarot cards, creating a word puzzle on a talking board, drawing by holding the hand of a detective and many more!
At the beginning of the game, the Ghost player receives a story card with a full description of the murder. Each card depicts all the details of the case. Each Detective receives asymmetrical, pre-constructed set of interaction cards, player investigation sheet, and a player screen.
On their turn, each Detective asks the Ghost any open question they want and plays a single interaction card. The card implies the way the Ghost may answer the question. There are 9 different interactions total, most of them giving information to all Detectives. Since Detectives may ask any open questions and interaction cards vary, the game allows for lots of creativity for both the Ghost and Paranormal Detectives.

Detectives may try, twice during the game, to guess what has actually happened to the victim stating who was the killer, where did it happen, what was the motive, how was it done and what was the murder weapon. Then the Ghost writes down secretly on this Detective’s investigation sheet how many of their answers are correct.

The game can end in two ways:
  • If a Detective gives all correct answers. In this case, they win, together with the Ghost player.
  • If all Detectives run out of interaction cards. In this case, if no one has guessed everything correctly then, whoever guessed correctly the most information is the sole winner of the game!

PARANORMAL DETECTIVES (ENGLISH) is categorised BOARDGAMES / GENERAL PUBLIC GAMES / COOPERATIVE GAMES and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.

Editor : Lucky Duck Games

Autors : Marcin Laczynski,Marcin Laczynski,Szymon Malinski,Szymon Malinski,Adrian Orzechowski,Adrian Orzechowski

Artists : Mateusz Komada,Mateusz Komada,JocArt,JocArt,Katarzyna Kosobucka,Katarzyna Kosobucka

Complexity : 1.67

Language : EN

Game for : GF12

Average Time : 30-50 MIN

Difficulty level : EASY GAME

Players quantity : 2-6

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Nicolas G.Report this review
Mysterium sans Dixit
Je dis Mysterium sans Dixit parce que le but est de trouver ce qui est arrivé au fantôme, mais il n'y a pas de cartes de vision. À la place, chaque medium a des cartes qui leur permettent de communiquer avec le fantôme. Le fantôme doit répondre selon la carte jouée, aux 5 questions: qui, pourquoi, où, comment, et avec quoi. Peut être joué en mode coop ou compétitif.

NELIE P.Report this review
Nice discovery!
It's a very pleasant game. Someone plays the role of a ghost and the others must solve the mystery of his death. By several means (mimes, drawing, whispers etc ...) the ghost will try to make us discover how he died, with witch weapon, under what circumstances and who is the murderer. It is very pleasant and nevertheless difficult to guess. On the other hand, it would be good if an extension of cards came out because there are only 28 death scenarios.

JEREMIE L.Report this review

MARC-ANDRE P.Report this review
Quelle belle trouvaille!
J'adore ce jeu!

Un genre de Mysterium réinventé avec des éléments à la Clue où un des joueurs tient le rôle d'un fantôme et doit faire deviner aux joueurs comment il est mort (qui l'a tué, pourquoi, où, comment et avec quelle arme).

On trouve des indices en posant tour à tour des questions au fantôme, qui doit y répondre de différentes façons (tableau de ouija, dessiner dans le dos d'un joueur, placer des cordes, dessiner en tenant le poignet d'un joueur "possédé", et quelques autres méthodes de "manifestations surnaturelles".

Bien que tous les joueurs voient la majorité des réponses du fantôme, c'est le joueur qui aura deviné le plus rapidement les réponses au scénario qui l'emporte.

De plus, jouer le rôle du fantôme est tout sauf une corvée! Plaisir garanti.

Le jeu comporte un bon nombre de scénarios différents qui pourront être joués une fois, ou deux tout au plus, car une fois qu'on connait un scénario il deviendra trop facile d'y rejouer, et inéquitable vs les joueurs qui ne l'ont pas encore joué. Toutefois, et heureusement, une fois les scénarios tous joués, et le concept du jeu bien apprivoisé, le joueur qui incarne le fantôme pourra lui même créer un scénario de son cru avant le début de chaque partie, ce qui laisse place à une rejouabilité infinie. (À cet effet il aurait été brillant d'inclure une fiche scénario vierge, mais à defaut on pourra facilement le faire sur une feuille de papier)

Jouable jusqu'à 6 joueurs, un "must" pour les soirées entre amis, rire garanti.

Martin R.Report this review

Camille B.Report this review
Great game
We bought this game as a gift to someone who loves Mysterium. The main goal is similar while being more developed. Indeed, several elements are to be found to discover the truth. It is a cooperative game (each player with the ghost) and competitive (each player against the others).
Several of us found it easier to get to the end than it was for Mysterium. So the level of difficulty, depending on the scenarios, may be too easy. A little less than thirty scenarios are provided in the box and several others are available on the game's mobile application. Hours of fun to come.
A good mix between Mysterium and Clue!



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