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This sequel to the Zombicide: Black Plague will bring players back into a world of deadly medieval fantasy, this time filled with infected orcs and goblins who will put survivors to the ultimate test. This green menace is not only stronger than their human counterparts, but they also tend to gather into massive hordes that ambush the survivors when they least expect it.
Set in the same medieval era as Black Plague, players will take on the role of Survivors looking to defeat the shuffling, undead menace by any means possible.
In Green Horde, up to six players can join the battle for survival. They’ll combine forces and work cooperatively to accomplish their goals, and against all odds, stay alive. Fans of the Zombicide series have become familiar with the Walkers, Runners, Fatties, and Abominations that shuffle around, looking for victims. But the creatures they will face are not just zombie humans, they’re zombie orcs! The Survivors will have to gear up with a wide variety of medieval equipment if they hope to outlast these fearsome foes. Zombie Orcs are stronger than the classic zombie and represent a stiffer challenge to even seasoned undead-hunting veterans.
A new challenge for the Survivors is the Horde. It represents a growing group of Orc zombies that are ready to enter the board in an unexpected location and ambush the Survivors. As zombie cards with the Horde symbol are drawn, one extra zombie miniature of the same type is set aside, collectively forming the Horde. They will be locked into place until an “Enter the Horde!” card is drawn, spawning the Horde on the board. Any Survivor caught on their own near this roving menace would best beat a hasty retreat.
With such menacing new foes, the Survivors are going to have their hands full dealing with the Green Horde. Luckily, they’ll have some new weapons and spells on their side to help combat the rotting masses. Things like the Lava Burst, the Norse Sword, and the Bone Kukri will all be helpful when hacking through a pack of the undead. Oh, and if they should gather together too tightly, the Survivors can always hit them with the catapult...(did we not mention the catapult?).
Zombicide: Green Horde includes ten new challenging quests, featuring some of the toughest scenarios a Survivor has ever had to face. With new terrain, like ledges and water holes, and the ever-present threat of the Green Horde making an appearance, the team will have to plan their routes carefully. Sometimes avoiding trouble is better than facing it head on! Zombicide: Green Horde is the next chapter in the ever-evolving world of Zombicide. There’s no rest for the Survivors if they hope to battle their way to a new hope and a new beginning.

ZOMBICIDE GREEN HORDE - BASE GAME (ENGLISH) is categorised BOARDGAMES / ADVANCED GAMES / COOPERATIVE GAMES and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.

Editor : CMON Global Limited

Autors : Raphaël Guiton,Jean-Baptiste Lullien,Nicolas Raoult

Artists : Nicolas Fructus,Mathieu Harlaut,Jérémy Masson,Thierry Masson

Complexity : 2.47

Language : EN

Game for : GF14

Average Time : 60-60 MIN

Difficulty level : MEDIUM GAME

Players quantity : 1-6

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Jean-Francois T.Report this review
Expansion bienvenue dans le monde de Zombicide Fantasy
Expansion bienvenue dans le monde de Zombicide Fantasy - elle est légèrement plus complexe que la version originale (ce qui n'est pas une mauvaise chose) et rajoute de différents monstres. Ceci dit, si vous avez la version Black Plague, vous ne serez pas trop dépaysé.

Philippe B.Report this review
Zombicide à la médiéval
Possédant déjà Zombicide saison 1 et 3, je n'étais pas certains d'investir dans un autre Zombicide. Bien heureux de mon choix finalement. Les différences avec la 1ère me plaît beaucoup. Je le trouve plus orienté sur l'action. J'avais l'habitude de prendre et de ne pas trop foncer, mais avec l'ajout du nécromancer et du trébuchet, j'ai du changer mes stratégies. J'aime aussi beaucoup le côté armure et les magies, donne un côté plus RPG aussi. Je recommande à tous ceux qui aime le style Zombicide.

Carl S.Report this review
Mon préféré
Excellent core set pour s'introduire à l'univers de zombicide dans un cadre médiéval fantastique. Les orcs nous rendent la vie difficile mais le niveau de difficulté est bien balancé avec les quêtes proposées. L'environnement particulier de green horde offre plusieurs possibilités/diversités de stratégies à adopter.

Joshua N.Report this review

NICOLAS B.Report this review
Plus de challenge
Ce zombicide apporte plus de challenge que les autres, les zombies orcs sont puissant et que dire de plus a part que les nouveaux personnages sont diversifié et interessant.

Guillaume C.Report this review

Patrick B.Report this review
The green horde
This standalone/expansion is a much needed addition to black plague. The value of what's inside the box is very good; brand new adventures, new game tiles, a plethora of undead orcs (which looks a lot better than the basic undeads of black plague), one extra necro and abomination plus new equipment cards/weapons that makes the game more fun. The new survivors in this box are a great addition to the basic 6 from black plague. More possibilitie = more fun. The friendly staff had a hard time finding the box in the inventory (the had the french version on the shelves but the english version was nowhere to be seen). Still, the staff took the time to find my english green horde and even had to climb up a ladder to find it. It was my first experience at the Imaginaire and will buy from them again.

Hugo B.Report this review
Banque de figurines
Pour être honnête, j'ai acheté ce jeu principalement pour les figurines miniatures représentant des héros et des orcs. Elle sont d'une belle qualité et d'une quantité appréciable. Sinon, le jeu est toujours aussi bon que d'ordinaire voire même rehaussé par la dynamique des orcs qui infligent plus de dégâts que les zombies tradionnels. Toujours un bon achat, surtout pour les inconditionnels du genre.

PARADIS J.Report this review
Zombicide !!!
Excellent ajout dans l'univers de Zombicide Black Plague. Peut être jouer séparément de Black Plague ou être vu comme un extension. Toujours la même qualité présente. Plusieurs développeurs de jeux de société devraient prendre note sur CMON et Guillotine. Excellent !

RICHARD L.Report this review


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