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Set in the not so distant future, the DC Universe is spinning inexorably out of control. The new generation of heroes has lost their moral compass, becoming just as reckless and violent as the villains they fight. With Batman retired, Superman in a self-imposed exile and the rest of the Justice League nowhere to be found, it seems that all hope is lost.

But not for long.

After a cataclysmic event costs the lives of millions, the Justice League—led by a rejuvenated Superman—returns to bring balance back to the world. However, the new guard will not go down quietly. A battle is coming between the uncompromising protectors and a untamed group of young powerhouses—one that will define what heroism truly is.

Winner of five Eisner and Harvey Awards, Kingdom Come is the best-selling graphic novel form acclaimed writer Mark Waid and superstar painter Alex Ross.

KINGDOM COME - TP is categorised COMIC BOOKS / TRADE PAPERBACKS & HARDCOVER / DC COMICS and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.

Editor : DC COMICS


Language : EN

Book type : DC COMICS

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