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20.26 €
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This item is out of stock in all of our stores, however you can make a special order.

About special orders

This product is out of stock. We can, however, order it specially for you if you click on the button above.

Please note that, depending on the product location, delays may vary and that the price may also slightly vary without notice according to our supplier's demands. Also be aware that the regular price always prevails over a discount with special orders, so if there is a price reduction indicated on an item that we order specially for you, that discount will not be applied.


A spellbinding game that makes maths and sums magic!
  • Teaches addition, subtraction and multiplication
  • Rub the cards to reveal the answer!
  • Suitable for ages 5-7

MAGIC MATHS (MULTILINGUAL) is categorised BOARDGAMES / CHILDREN'S GAMES and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.

Complexity : 1.00

Game for : GF5

Average Time : 10-20 MIN

Difficulty level : EASY GAME

Players quantity : 2-4

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Sabrina R.Report this review
Orchard toys un « must » en éducation
Encore une fois, je suis extrêmement satisfaite de mon jeu de la compagnie orchard toys. Que ce soit pour ma classe ou pour la maison, ils permettent aux enfant à d’apprendre de nouvelles connaissances et/ou d’enrichir celles déjà acquises. Ce jeu permet à mon enfant de première année de travailler les additions de façon ludique! L’heure des devoirs et leçons est maintenant une vraie partie de plaisir ! Merci :)

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