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In The Networks, you and your opponents are new television networks, and you need new programming. For this, you’ll need Shows, Stars, and Ads.
Shows need Stars and Ads. Stars give you bonus viewers (points), and Ads give you extra money. You’ll need everything you can get; you'll have a small amount of resources and time, and you must grab the latest hot show before your opponents.
And some Stars will give their best effort only ifyou put them on in the proper conditions. For example, some Stars only want to be put on dramas. Other Stars want to be the only Star on the show. And your Ads will give you the most money only if you put themon in the correct time slot.
Finally, Shows age and viewerslose interest, so you have to keep your line-up fresh by canceling shows and sending them into reruns. Fortunately, you can get viewers from your reruns, and you'll get bonuses if you get a lot of shows ofthe same genre throughout the game.
If you need a special push, Network Cards can give you special powers — but will a Network Card be better than another action? You'll have to make that call.
The player with the most viewers after five seasons wins!

THE NETWORKS - BASE GAME (ENGLISH) is categorised BOARDGAMES / CARD GAMES / CARD DRAFTING and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.


Autors : Gil Hova

Artists : Travis Kinchy

Game type : CD-1895

Complexity : 2.59

Game for : GF13

Average Time : 60-90 MIN

Difficulty level : MEDIUM GAME

Players quantity : 1-5

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