Unique among his kind, Loki has managed to maintain a measure of both his sanity and his humanity even through the torturous transformation from man to warpwolf. His cunning combines with his imposing physical presence to make him a particularly terrifying beast of war. Fighting at Tanith’s side with shield and hooked blade in hand, he carves a bloody path through his opponents in battle, relishing the carnage.
CIRCLE ORBOROS - LOKI - WARPWOLF HEAVY WARBEAST - HORDES is categorised MINIATURE GAMES / WARMACHINE / HORDES / FIGURES and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.
CIRCLE ORBOROS - LOKI - WARPWOLF HEAVY WARBEAST - HORDES is categorised MINIATURE GAMES / WARMACHINE / HORDES / FIGURES and sold by l'Imaginaire, a store and specialised website.
Editor :
Game type : FI-1337
Game type : FI-1337
SKU: 0875582019135
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