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ARMY OF ONE # 02 - (V.A.)
SKU: 9781637155110
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The second in a stunning, dimension-spanning sci-fi trilogy from New York Times bestselling writer Tony Lee (Superboy, Doctor Who) and acclaimed illustrator Yishan Li (Batwoman Annual)!
The Shards are scattered and reeling in the wake of Carrie’s sudden death. Without her—without the prophecy—they surely stand no chance against Brother Havoc and his rising scourge of alternate-reality Nazis. When gravely injured knight TR-8 makes a sudden recovery, the savior, Sister Fortune, and the trained warrior are united as a powerful new trinity, but can they put the other pieces of their rebellion back together in time?
ARMY OF ONE - (V.A.) 02 est catégorisé dans COMICS AMÉRICAINS / INDÉPENDANT / Trade Paperbacks et Hardcover en Anglais en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.
The Shards are scattered and reeling in the wake of Carrie’s sudden death. Without her—without the prophecy—they surely stand no chance against Brother Havoc and his rising scourge of alternate-reality Nazis. When gravely injured knight TR-8 makes a sudden recovery, the savior, Sister Fortune, and the trained warrior are united as a powerful new trinity, but can they put the other pieces of their rebellion back together in time?
ARMY OF ONE - (V.A.) 02 est catégorisé dans COMICS AMÉRICAINS / INDÉPENDANT / Trade Paperbacks et Hardcover en Anglais en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.
Éditeur :
Auteurs : TONY LEE
Artistes : YISHAN LI
ISBN : 9781637155110
Collection : FANTASY
Langage : Anglais
Type de livre : ONI PRESS
Auteurs : TONY LEE
Artistes : YISHAN LI
ISBN : 9781637155110
Collection : FANTASY
Langage : Anglais
Type de livre : ONI PRESS
SKU: 9781637155110
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