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Queen Ariad serves as the evil Overlord for the Labyrinthof Ruin campaign, and the Descent: Journeys in theDark (Second Edition) - Queen Ariad Lieutenant Pack allows her to be used in other campaigns where she normally would not appear,even if one lacks the Labyrinth of Ruin expansion.
Queen Ariad's "Tangled Web" Plot deck ensuresthat you can continue to deceive the heroes before luring them to a sudden and inescapable demise. This Plot deck features several cards toensnare the heroes, especially when combined with the overlord's Trap cards. Your Wilderness monsters will get boosts from "Tangled Web" as well, especially from the Hidden Predator card, which grants your monsters a powerful bonus whenever they attack from out of sight of the heroes. The heroes will never be sure where the next attack will come from as your monsters quickly dart in and out of sight.

DESCENT - QUEEN ARIAD (ENGLISH) est catégorisé dans JEUX DE SOCIÉTÉ / JEUX THÉMATIQUES en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.


Auteurs : Nathan I. Hajek,Justin Kemppainen

Complexité : 3

Durée d'une partie : 0-0 MIN

Niveau de difficulté : JEUX EXPERT

Nombre de joueurs : 2-5

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