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Herbalist's Primer is a system-agnostic illustrated guide to real-world magical plants. Inspired by the 19th-century herbalists and the millennia of folklore, myths, and legends, it brings a wealth of easily-accessible, organized information straight to your gaming table.
From screaming mandragoras to shape-shifting deadly nightshade to hawthorns holding portals to the fey realms - the world of plant folklore is full of fascinating stories, magical rituals, and simple spells that are quite unbreakable.
Every entry lists—if possible—their culinary, medicinal, magical, and poisonous properties. Each entry includes basic botanical information, a handy scale reference, commonly used names, and a short description, so there’s no need to read the whole thing if you’re just browsing for inspiration!
- A full-color, hardcover book with 360 pages of botanical, ethnobotanical, folklore, and tabletop roleplaying material.
- 100 illustrated, detailed descriptions of magically-inclined plants from around the world.
- Short, sweet, and useful lore chapters on the basics of botany, herb gathering, preparation, alchemy, poisons & antidotes, and more!
- Recipes for magical and medicinal concoctions, written in-world and in accordance with occult lore of the ages past
- Tools for creating original magical plants, plot hooks, quest ideas, and a botanical Latin primer to give your custom, fantastical plants a semi-proper scientific name.
- Convenient tables with magical and medicinal properties of plants, astronomical correspondences, and the language of flowers
- An index, a detailed table of contents, references, and bibliography.
Format: 360 Pages, full color, hardcover book
HERBALIST'S PRIMER HARDCOVER (ANGLAIS) est catégorisé dans JEUX DE RÔLES / LIVRES en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.
Complexité : 0.00