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SCOUT is a ladder-climbing game in which cards have two potential values, players may not rearrange their hand of cards, and players may pass their turn to take a card from the current high set of cards into their hand.
More specifically, cards are dual-indexed, with different values on each half of the card, with the 45 cards having all possible combinations of the numbers 1-10. During set-up, whoever is shuffling the cards should randomize both the order of the cards in the deck and their orientation. Once each player has been dealt their entire hand of cards, they pick up that hand without rearranging any of the cards; if they wish, they can rotate their entire hand of cards in order to use the values on the other end of each card, but again they cannot rearrange the order of cards in their hand.
On a turn, a player takes one of two actions:
• Play: A player chooses one or more adjacent cards in their hand that have all the same value or that have values in consecutive order (whether ascending or descending), then they play this set of cards to the table. They can do this only if the table is empty (as on the first turn) or the set they're playing is ranked higher than the set currently on the table; a set is higher if it has more cards or has cards of the same value instead of consecutive cards or has a set of the same quantity and type but with higher values. In this latter case when a player overplays another set, the player captures the cards in this previous set and places them face down in front of themselves.
• Scout: A player takes a card from either end of the set currently on the table and places it anywhere they wish in their hand in either orientation. Whoever played this previous set receives a 1 VP token as a reward for playing a set that wasn't beaten.
Once per round, a player can scout, then immediately play.
When a player has emptied their hand of cards or all but one player have scouted instead of playing, the round ends. Players receive 1 VP for each face-down card, then subtract one point for each card in their hand (except if they were the player scouted repeatedly to end the game). Play as many rounds as the number of players, then whoever has the most points wins.

SCOUT (ANGLAIS) est catégorisé dans JEUX DE SOCIÉTÉ / JEUX GRAND PUBLIC / JEUX DE CARTES en vente chez l'Imaginaire, un magasin-boutique et un site web spécialisé.

Auteurs : Kei Kajino (梶野 桂)

Artistes : Rie Komatsuzaki, Jun Sasaki, sinc (小川)

Complexité : 1.35

Jeu pour : GF9

Durée d'une partie : 15 min

Niveau de difficulté : JEUX LÉGER

Nombre de joueurs : 2-5

Évaluation des clients
Commentaires généraux de nos clients

Ajouter un avis

5 étoiles
90% (10)
4 étoiles
9% (1)
3 étoiles
0% (0)
2 étoiles
0% (0)
1 étoile
0% (0)

BENOIT M.Signaler ce commentaire
Un jeu de plis pas comme les autres. Ici pas le droit de réorganiser les cartes dans sa main. On doit les prendre selon l’ordre qu’elles apparaissent. De plus, chaque carte à deux chiffres différents selon le sens qu’on tient la carte dans sa main. Le premier à se débarrasser de toutes ses cartes remporte la partie. Très rafraîchissant comme concept. Parfait à 3 ou 4 joueurs.

Luc T.Signaler ce commentaire
Meilleur jeu que j'ai acheté depuis les 12 derniers mois. Esthétique, simple à mettre en place. Absolument tout le mode aime créer ses combos!

Jacinthe D.Signaler ce commentaire
Stratégie et plaisir !

Raphael C.Signaler ce commentaire
Un de mes jeux favoris. Ont comprend vite pourquoi il est non disponible partout. Super stratégique pour un jeu de carte entre amis. Est as son summum as quatre joueur !

Carol D.Signaler ce commentaire
un des meilleurs jeu de cartes
Une petite boite pour un excellent jeu de carte, on peux enchainer les parties sans problème, tout le monde en redemande, je vais surement avoir besoin d'un autre copie.

Fany M.Signaler ce commentaire
Tres bien !
C’est un super jeu. Quand même assez simple mais qui nous fait travailler le cerveau pour trouver les meilleurs solutions. Petit jeu de carte qui s’amène bien aussi.

Raphaelle F.Signaler ce commentaire
Jeu à s’en rendre fou
Excellent jeu de carte simple qui peut être jouer à tout moment. Le concept est du jamais vu qui plaira à tous joueurs. Allez-vous recruter le meilleur cirque?

Jod L.Signaler ce commentaire

Maria P.Signaler ce commentaire
Fun Fun!
Fun card game with points, great for travelling too. Easy to learn.

Filip S.Signaler ce commentaire
One of the best card games
Honestly one of the best card games out there. Easy to understand, fun to play, and has a good portion of strategy to it without making it anywhere heavy.

Nedeljko D.Signaler ce commentaire
A very solid ladder climbing game with quite some neat twists to make it a unique experience. Plays very smooth and is just very pleasant to knock out a few games of. Bit expensive for what you get though and the organiser is cramped. Doesn't even fit with premium sleeved cards. The scoring tokens they could have just left out.

Suggestion de produits pour SCOUT (ANGLAIS)


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